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Drive-in Movie Night - "Groundhog Day"

Press Release from JP Movie Night organization:

What to do when you can’t attend a movie indoors? 

Bring it outdoors, of course! 

Recognizing the need to do something for its community, while adhering to all Covid-safe social distancing measures, JP Movie Night is pleased to announce its very first Drive-In Movie experience. On July 18, at 8:30 pm, it will present “Groundhog Day,” the renowned comedy with a philosophical twist, at St. Theresa of Avila Church in West Roxbury. Working in collaboration with the church, JP’s Centre/South Main Streets, and with the cooperation of West Roxbury Main Streets, the drive-in is serving as a fundraiser for the Jamaica Plain Main Streets Relief Fund; all proceeds going to support individuals who have lost their incomes due to the virus. 

“Like so many other organizations, we had to put our season on hold during the pandemic shutdown. But then the light bulb went on that we could offer a drive-in movie experience,” says JPMN co-founder, Shailah Stewart. “St. Theresa’s has a perfect set-up, with a big parking lot that faces a large blank wall, and those are very hard to come by around this area.” 

“There are many people in our communities who have lost their jobs as a result of Covid, or who have become sick from the illness, and are in very difficult circumstances,” adds JPMN cofounder, Jason Gregoricus. “We are proud to assist them.” 

People will be expected to remain inside their cars to watch the movie, and to bring their own refreshments. Bathroom facilities will be available inside the church’s school. Tickets will cost $40 per car, and are only available on line. No tickets will be sold at the gate, and no paper tickets will be required. A special parking area has been designed for the church lot to accommodate up to 40 cars. The ticket price will include the cost of a transistor radio - which the audience members will get to keep - to be used inside the cars so that idling the engine won’t be needed (and car batteries won’t be drained). Ticket buyers will also be able to increase their donation on line, if they so choose. 

A key element of the mission of JP Movie Night is to build community. “This is just a creative and collaborative way to help out our neighbors,” says Centre/South Main Streets’ Executive Director, Ginger Brown. “We are delighted to help folks get out for a movie-watching experience that is safe, outside their living rooms and on a big screen!” 

“This will be a hopeful evening of family entertainment, community building and support for the disadvantaged,” says Father John Connolly, parish priest of St. Theresa’s, who has enthusiastically embraced this event. “How could we not get behind that?” 

For JP Movie Night, a non-profit whose focus is to build community through a love of independent film, taking a lesson from the past (a drive-in movie) is a way to build hope for the future. “Now, it is the perfect venue at the perfect time,” says Gregoricus. 

Earlier Event: July 18
OUTDOOR Saturday Vigil Mass
Later Event: July 19
OUTDOOR Sunday Mass