Parish News

Welcoming Our New Neighbors - WONN

SJC/STA Collaborative Afghan Resettlement Assistance Program

Please read the below message from WONN Program Coordinator, Barbara Thorp:

Monday, January 24, 2022 was a day like no other for the St. Theresa of Avila/St. John Chrysostom Parish Collaborative! After several weeks of intense preparations at the parish house at 4740 Washington Street, made possible by many volunteers, staff and generous donations both financial and furnishings, we were ready to welcome our new neighbors.  These men all worked for the US military in some capacity and have been waiting for several months at an extended stay hotel in Braintree under the auspices of the Catholic Charities resettlement program.

After unloading the cars and with bags and assorted belongings scattered on the kitchen floor before doing anything else, the men insisted that we sit at the dining room table and let them serve us tea and a treat of nuts and figs.  The tea that they served was not the Lipton they have been drinking since their arrival in the US.  They brewed a delicate tea from Afghanistan and shared photos of their beautiful children and extended families. They told us of their hopes and dreams for a new life in the US and to one day reunite with their families.  They love football aka soccer, they love music, playing the drums, and they love to bike and swim. They are eager to learn English and to find employment. 

They have experienced a traumatic and tumultuous exodus from their country and their families.  We could not have imagined last summer, as we watched the terrifying images from Kabul as thousands were desperately fleeing, that five months later we would be privileged to welcome these five Afghani men to Boston.   

As we were driving to West Roxbury I was asked if I could turn on the radio.  It was a country station that my granddaughter enjoys.  The refrain of the song in classic country twang was,  “I can be happy anywhere with you!”       

May the Holy Spirit provide every good gift and hearts ready to be generous to ensure the happiness of our new neighbors from across the world.

We are deeply grateful to the many parishioners who have already been generous with financial donations with some making a monthly pledge of support.  Checks can be included in the weekly collection payable to the parish and designated on the memo line for Afghan Neighbors Support.  The St Theresa of Avila and St John Chrysostom websites will both feature a donation button for those who prefer to donate through their credit card.  Volunteers are also needed to socialize with the men, to assist with shopping, ESL and many other developing needs.  Please be in touch with Barbara Thorp if you would like to volunteer: 617-921-3169. 

Collaboration Announcement from Fr. John Connolly

Fr. John Connolly announces that St. Theresa of Avila Parish and St. John Chrysostom parish are going to move into active collaboration together effective as of September 1, 2020. CLICK HERE TO READ THIS IMPORTANT LETTER FROM FR. CONNOLLY….


We will open one of the bays in the garage next to the Rectory for anyone who wishes to drop off donations of food for the Catholic Charities Food Pantry twice a week from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm every Tuesday and Thursday. Thank you for your generosity.


The families of Veterans who are staying at the Fisher House, located on the grounds of the V.A. Hospital in West Roxbury, are required to provide their own food or receive donations. The first Thursday of each month is the day for our parishioners to provide some food for these families. If you would like to bring food items to Fisher House, please call in advance to let them know (857-203-4000). The families staying at Fisher House are most grateful for your kindness. Thank you for any help you can offer.


Please continue to send in your Box Tops for Education which help Saint Theresa’s School with technology needs. Box Tops may be dropped in the baskets at the doors of the church or brought to the Parish Office

Thanks for your participation!


Your donations to Saint Theresa of Avila Parish and School are tax deductible to the fullest extent permitted by tax law because we are a 501C3 tax exempt organization. If you use the Offertory envelopes you receive in the mail to make your donations, we can record your contributions for the year, and upon your request, we can provide a year end summary statement for your tax purposes. 

Simply call the Parish Office at 617-325-1300 to request a year end donation statement.


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Volunteer Drivers

We currently have wonderful people who drive some of our elderly parishioners to Mass on weekends and we are most grateful for their assistance.  There are times when something may come up and one of our drivers may not be available.  We are hoping to put together a small list of people who may be able to help when a driver is needed on short notice.  If you would like to be on this list, please call the Parish Office at 617-325-1300. We thank you in advance for your generosity.


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If you were baptized Catholic and received First Communion, but have not been confirmed, consider if this might be the right time to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation. 

Please contact Susan Abbott @ for information.


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VNA Hospice Care needs volunteers! Hospice volunteers play a key role in helping to provide care and compassion to patients and families facing life-limiting illness and loss. A volunteer may provide patients with company and emotional support, give the care-taker a needed break from caregiving,

and / or help care-givers run errands or get to or from appointments. There is a strong need for volunteers who can visit on weekdays. We also seek: musicians who would like to sing or play music quietly at the bedside of nursing home residents; Reiki practitioners who would like to offer

Reiki to patients and / or caregivers; and people interested in visiting with their therapy dog. Volunteers who speak both English and a second language are also needed. The VNA provides volunteer training and ongoing support. 

Call 781-569-2888 and ask to speak to a Volunteer Coordinator for more information. Or, you may email


If you like to sing, the Adult Choir would love to have you join us. The Choir sings on Sundays at the 10:30 A.M. Mass from the middle of September through Pentecost Sunday. Practice is held on Wednesday evenings. If interested, please call the Parish Office at 617-325-1300 or e-mail  OR


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For over 50 years, the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul has been helping the poor and needy of the parish, by meting out various forms of assistance to those in need, ever mindful of the highly confidential nature of their work.  For more information, please contact the Parish Office at 617-325-1300 or


Have been very helpful to Saint Theresa's Parish over the years, and we hope they will continue to

assist the parish in its good work in the present and in the future.  If you would like additional information, please call the Parish Office at 617-325-1300 or email us @

Thank you in advance for your generosity.


If you do, we can provide tax statements for your 2013 contributions to the parish so that your generosity may be matched by your employer, Your gifts to the Annual Collection, the Year End Collection, the Legacy Campaign, and the Parish Offertory might be eligible for an employer match. This has been a source of additional revenue for the parish several times in the past, and we would encourage you to investigate the program your company offers to see if the Parish might be eligible for a matching gift. We are a 501( C ) 3 organization.  If you need a tax statement please contact the Parish Office at  617-325-1300 or email us at  


“I am like a dish that is broken but my trust is in you, O Lord"

-ps. 31

Call 1-800-992-2600 - a 24 hour hot-line.


This program of the Pro-Life Office of the Archdiocese of Boston offers free guidance and counseling

for pregnant women who seek a solution other than abortion.

For help, call toll free 1-800-649-0999.

Local address and phone number: 5 Wilson Street, Natick, MA 01760, 508-651-1900