Choosing a Confirmation Name & Sponsor
Confirmation Names & Sponsors are due by Friday, November 1st (All Saints’ Day).
Name Guidelines:
A saint/biblical name or the derivative of a saint name (Mariah from Mary)
Can honor a relative
Can be your middle name
Be prepared to fill out both:
Your Confirmation Name
Why you have chosen that name
Sponsor Guidelines:
Church reccommends the Godparent- but many choose a separate Confirmation sponsor.
Must be 16 years of age or older, mature, confirmed and a practicing Roman Catholic.
Cannot be a parent (although a parent can stand in as a proxy).
Does not have to be the same gender.
Should be someone with whom you can have a lifelong ongoing relationship. (It is recommended that you do not pick a current boyfriend or girlfriend).
Does not have to physically be present at Confirmation (although it is nice if they can be). ex: older sibling at college, Godparent out of town on vacation or business. Someone else will just need to stand in as a proxy for a sponsor you choose who is unable to be at the Confirmation.
Ask God for guidance in making this decision and seek advice from your parents as well.
Be prepared to fill out:
Your Sponsor's first and last name (no nicknames unless you know he or she would prefer his or her name to be written that way in the program).
Your Sponsor's address complete with zip code. We send sponsors a letter with details about rehearsal and Confirmation.
Your Sponsor's Email (optional). I will send Rehearsal & Confirmation information electronically to any sponsor emails provided.
Click button to submit your information